Alex Rodriguez's ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis says she is 'happy' for him after his engagement to Jennifer Lopez - Jeffupdate



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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Alex Rodriguez's ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis says she is 'happy' for him after his engagement to Jennifer Lopez

There are no hard feelings between Alex Rodriguez and his ex-wife, Cynthia Scurtis, as she has given her blessing following his engagement to singer Jennifer Lopez.

The baseball star's former spouse who he split from in 2008 told RadarOnline, she said: 'I'm happy for them. Other than that I have no comment.'

Cynthia who remained friends with Alex for the sake of their two daughters - 10-year-old Ella and Natasha, 14 after their split previously revealed on Nightline: 'From the beginning, we always put the kids first so that they will grow and have emotional wellness and not feel a lot of the tugging that you feel sometimes happens in families that are divorced.'

Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez who started dating in February 2017 announced their engagement on Instagram two weeks ago.

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